My session with Silvana happened
quite by chance...well so I thought.
Silvana told me she was seeing a lady -it was my mum, wearing her Paspaley pearls. She saw mum and I cooking and dancing around the kitchen to ABBA records - a much loved Saturday tradition of ours. Mum asked "why hadn't I been cooking as much lately? That was one of my happy places and that I needed to get back there - the kitchen was where she could feel close to me again".
Also, at the time of my reading, I was having issues with noisy neighbours and it was upsetting me. Mum spoke to that specifically and shared with Silvana that I was initially affected by loud noises as a young child when we lived in a semi with a common wall and had an extremely noisy neighbour which upset both of us because they kept us up at night – it was a memory I had long forgotten.
You simply can't make those details up. 'Hearing' from mum in such a specific way, bought me an overwhelming sense of comfort as she'd promised me before she died, that she would never leave me - this interaction with her absolutely confirmed that. Mum clearly knew at that particular time, I really needed this reassurance from her, in order to more wholly move forward with my life.